
Droplet-based microfluidics has emerged as an important subfield within the microfluidic and general analytical communities. Indeed, several unique applications such as digital assay readout and single-cell sequencing now have commercial systems based on droplet microfluidics. Yet there remains room for this research area to grow. To date, most analytical readouts are optical in nature, relatively few studies have integrated sample preparation, and passive means for droplet formation and manipulation have dominated the field. Analytical scientists continue to expand capabilities by developing droplet-compatible method adaptations, for example, by interfacing to mass spectrometers or automating droplet sampling for temporally resolved analysis. In this review, we highlight recently developed fluidic control techniques and unique integrations of analytical methodology with droplet microfluidics—focusing on automation and the connections to analog/digital domains—and we conclude by offering a perspective on current challenges and future applications.


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