
The persistent triploid endosperms of cereal crops are the most important source of human food and animal feed. The development of cereal endosperms progresses through coenocytic nuclear division, cellularization, aleurone and starchy endosperm differentiation, and storage product accumulation. In the past few decades, the cell biological processes involved in endosperm formation in most cereals have been described. Molecular genetic studies performed in recent years led to the identification of the genes underlying endosperm differentiation, regulatory network governing storage product accumulation, and epigenetic mechanism underlying imprinted gene expression. In this article, we outline recent progress in this area and propose hypothetical models to illustrate machineries that control aleurone and starchy endosperm differentiation, sugar loading, and storage product accumulations. A future challenge in this area is to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying coenocytic nuclear division, endosperm cellularization, and programmed cell death.


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