
Microbial nucleic acids are major signatures of invading pathogens, and their recognition by various host pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) represents the first step toward an efficient innate immune response to clear the pathogens. The nucleic acid–sensing PRRs are localized at the plasma membrane, the cytosol, and/or various cellular organelles. Sensing of nucleic acids and signaling by PRRs involve recruitment of distinct signaling components, and PRRs are intensively regulated by cellular organelle trafficking. PRR-mediated innate immune responses are also heavily regulated by posttranslational modifications, including phosphorylation, polyubiquitination, sumoylation, and glutamylation. In this review, we focus on our current understanding of recognition of microbial nucleic acid by PRRs, particularly on their regulation by organelle trafficking and posttranslational modifications. We also discuss how sensing of self nucleic acids and dysregulation of PRR-mediated signaling lead to serious human diseases.


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