
Ciliates are a diverse group of unicellular eukaryotes that vary widely in size, shape, body plan, and ecological niche. Here, we review recent research advances achieved with ciliate models. Studies on patterning and regeneration have been revived in the giant ciliate , facilitated by modern omics methods. Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography have revolutionized the structural study of complex macromolecules such as telomerase, ribozymes, and axonemes. DNA elimination, gene scrambling, and mating type determination have been deciphered, revealing interesting adaptations of processes that have parallels in other kingdoms of life. Studies of common eukaryotic processes, such as intracellular trafficking, meiosis, and histone modification, reveal conservation as well as unique adaptations in these organisms that are evolutionarily distant from other models. Continual improvement of genetic and molecular tools makes ciliates accessible models for all levels of education and research. Such advances open new avenues of research and highlight the importance of ciliate research.


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