
Since the triple isotopic composition of dissolved O (17Δ) was introduced as a natural tracer of photosynthetic gross O production (GOP) over 10 years ago, observations of 17Δ have been used to constrain marine productivity throughout the global ocean. This incubation-independent approach has several advantages: It allows the determination of production free from containment artifacts and reduces logistical hurdles that can make obtaining productivity with traditional incubation-dependent methods difficult. As such, GOP estimates derived from 17Δ have been used to give insight into potential biases in incubation-based approaches and to evaluate satellite-based estimates of production at the regional scale. With increased use, we have also learned more about the potential biases and uncertainties of this approach, some of which have been addressed by recent method improvements. We recap the major advances the 17Δ method has brought to improved understanding of biological carbon cycling, from incubation bottles to ocean basins.


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