
At the host–pathogen interface, the protein composition of the plasma membrane (PM) has important implications for how a plant cell perceives and responds to invading microbial pathogens. A plant's ability to modulate its PM composition is critical for regulating the strength, duration, and integration of immune responses. One mechanism by which plant cells reprogram their cell surface is vesicular trafficking, including secretion and endocytosis. These trafficking processes add or remove cargo proteins (such as pattern-recognition receptors, transporters, and other proteins with immune functions) to or from the PM via small, membrane-bound vesicles. Clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) that form at the PM and -Golgi network/early endosomes have emerged as the prominent vesicle type in the regulation of plant immune responses. In this review, we discuss the roles of the CCV core, adaptors, and accessory components in plant defense signaling and immunity against various microbial pathogens.

Keyword(s): adaptorCMEdynaminendocytosisFLS2PRR

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