
Electrical characterization methods for the analysis of alternating current thin-film electroluminescent (ACTFEL) devices are reviewed. Particular emphasis is devoted to electrical characterization techniques because ACTFEL devices are electro-optic display devices whose performance is to a large extent determined by their electrical properties. A systematic procedure for ACTFEL electrical assessment is described. The utility of transient charge, voltage, current, and phosphor field analysis is explained. Steady-state electrical characterization methods discussed in this review include charge-voltage (Q-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V), internal charge-phosphor field (Q-F), and maximum charge-maximum applied voltage (Q-V) analysis. These electrical characterization methods are illustrated by reviewing relevant results obtained from the analysis of evaporated ZnS:Mn and atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) SrS:Ce ACTFEL devices.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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