

The dynamics of driven domain walls (DWs) is studied in disordered uniaxial ferroic materials such as periodically poled ferroelectric KTiOPO; quantum ferroelectric SrTi18O; relaxor ferroelectric SrBaNbO (SBN); ultrathin ferromagnetic multilayers Pt/Co/Pt; and discontinuous magnetic metal-insulator multilayers [CoFe/AlO] (DMIM) with susceptibility, , and domain imaging. Sideways creep and slide motion, well known from excitation, is mapped onto characteristic dynamic modes in the spectra or, more significantly, in Cole-Cole presentations, . Creep and slide are complemented by switching at high enough field amplitudes and by DW segmental relaxation at high enough frequencies. The dynamic relaxation-to-creep transition is well understood within scaling theory, whereas the crossover between the modes creep, slide, and switching is numerically modeled on the basis of the Edwards-Wilkinson equation of DW motion. Clear signatures of all dynamical modes are even found at fractal DWs in dipolarly controlled DMIMs and in polar nanoregions of random-field-controlled SBN above .


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