
Lower-extremity vascular surgery is most often indicated for patients with critical leg ischemia but has increasingly been used for patients with disabling intermittent claudication. This article reviews indications, follow-up protocols, and procedure-related outcomes including perioperative and late mortality, complications, and long-term patency rates, which vary with patient risk factors, vascular disease severity, and hospital volume. Population-based studies have yet to establish whether rates of limb-preserving bypass surgery are related to overall amputation rates, partly because of the continued high rate of primary amputation. The functional benefits of vascular surgery have been traditionally assessed by treadmill protocols and batteries of physical tests. Claudication treatment is increasingly being measured by both generic and disease-specific functional and health-related quality-of-life questionnaires. Patient self-reported measures of physical functioning and walking ability are reviewed. Finally, conclusions are presented about trends in lower-extremity bypass surgery rates.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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