

RcsC, RcsB, and RcsA were first identified as a sensor kinase, a response regulator, and an auxiliary regulatory protein, respectively, regulating the genes of capsular polysaccharide synthesis. Recent advances have demonstrated that these proteins are part of a complex phosphorelay, in which phosphate travels from the histidine kinase domain in RcsC to a response regulator domain in the same protein; from there to a phosphotransfer protein, RcsD; and from there to RcsB. In addition to capsule synthesis, which requires the unstable regulatory protein RcsA, RcsB also stimulates transcription of a small RNA, RprA; the cell division gene ; and genes encoding membrane and periplasmic proteins, including the osmotically inducible genes and . The Rcs system appears to play an important role in the later stages of biofilm development; induction of Rcs signaling by surfaces is consistent with this role.


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