
▪ Abstract 

In this review, we address three principal questions that have dominated the debate over the distributive effects of globalization. First, how has globalization affected inequality among countries? Second, how has globalization affected inequality within countries? Third, how has globalization affected the ability of national governments to redistribute wealth and risk within countries? We conclude that despite the proliferation of research on the consequences of globalization, there is no solid consensus in the relevant literature on any of these questions, largely because scholars disagree about how to measure globalization and about how to draw causal inferences about its effects. We also suggest possible foci for future research.

AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney at the

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Convention,

April 4, 2000 (see http://www.aflcio.org/mediacenter/

prsptm/sp04042000.cfm for text of this speech)

President George W. Bush (, 2001)


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