
Stem cells reside in adult and embryonic tissues in a broad spectrum of developmental stages and lineages, and they are thus naturally exposed to diverse microenvironments or niches that modulate their hallmark behaviors of self-renewal and differentiation into one or more mature lineages. Within each such microenvironment, stem cells sense and process multiple biochemical and biophysical cues, which can exert redundant, competing, or orthogonal influences to collectively regulate cell fate and function. The proper presentation of these myriad regulatory signals is required for tissue development and homeostasis, and their improper appearance can potentially lead to disease. Whereas these complex regulatory cues can be challenging to dissect using traditional cell culture paradigms, recently developed engineered material systems offer advantages for investigating biochemical and biophysical cues, both static and dynamic, in a controlled, modular, and quantitative fashion. Advances in the development and use of such systems have helped elucidate novel regulatory mechanisms controlling stem cell behavior, particularly the importance of solid-phase mechanical and immobilized biochemical microenvironmental signals, with implications for basic stem cell biology, disease, and therapeutics.


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